
Each of us desires to return home to enjoy a warm cup of coffee, a favorite meal, the feeling of being wrapped in a blanket on days when you don’t want to do anything, and the incomparable sensation of embracing loved ones more tightly. These are some of the things we often say there’s nothing like home for. Regardless of how small or large it is, we feel its warmth. No hotel or resort on this planet can provide the same feeling. When we talk about larger homes, we all dream of living in a luxurious villa with ample space, usually away from the noise of the city and amidst clean air. People of different ages dream of investing in a villa that has all the amenities.
When it comes to choosing between investing in a villa or a modern apartment, most people will choose the first option. This trend, which has long dominated the real estate market worldwide, has now become one of the biggest demands in Albania as well. The development of the outskirts of Tirana, where new premium projects are currently underway, is an indicator of the growing demand to live in large villas with spacious interiors and outdoor spaces that offer amenities like pools or gardens.

But why is owning a villa the first choice for most people today?

  • Complete Privacy
    Living in apartments often turns into a challenge when it comes to shared spaces that need to be managed in coordination with neighbors. When you have your own pool, a garden, a private terrace, and dedicated parking, everything sounds so perfect. The garden outside your villa can be used for small family gatherings, a yoga retreat, or even a Sunday barbecue with close friends.

  • Design Your World and Desires
    When you own your villa, you have the opportunity to design it the way you want, unlike investing in an apartment where space is limited. When designing a villa, you have endless possibilities for organizing your rooms, using the library, or turning a room into an office or a creative corner. Spaces for being creative are limitless.
  • Away from City Life
    City life is dynamic, but living in a villa brings peace and happiness. Children can play in the garden, dive into the pool, and for those with pets, they can roam freely in the spacious surroundings. When you live in a villa, you are far from the city chaos. You don’t hear the noise of cars, ambulance sirens, and you can create the garden you’ve always wanted with colorful flowers or roses for a corner of happiness. This is your private space, and no one can enter without your permission. It’s your quiet shelter.

  • Live as You Desire
    You can use the villa as a venue for parties, as a home to live with your entire family, or even as a vacation home. Living in a villa gives you the freedom to use it as you wish! The modern project currently being built near Lake Farka, Rolling Hills Lake, also ensures a quick return on investment over time, thanks to the potential the area offers for renting, increasing market value, and high demand from various buyers.

    What matters in the end: Consider this as an investment! When you buy a villa, you can sell it at a higher value for a short period. What dominates the market today is renting. This is an even better investment, which will return the initial investment within a few years.

    In short, it’s a dream for most people. Therefore, stay connected with Rolling Hills pages to learn about the first comfortable investment plans and other opportunities the project offers to its clients. Turn the dream of a home with everything into reality, embodying your timeless style!


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